Pixar Update as Disney Era Ends
Pixar recently announced a new rodent-based movie to be released during Q4 2006 - marking the end of their contract with Disney as the company chats with new distributors including Sony and Warner.
This new announced project will mark the end of the very successful
partnership between Pixar-Disney that was to end after six films. Not
including Toy Story 2, which was a sequel, fans of such animated capers can
look forward to another 3 films including Finding Nemo starring
Ellen DeGeneres The Incredibles and Cars for 2003, 2004 and
With storyline and principal cast still to be determined, what we have found
out from the two latter projects are as follows:
The Incredibles
We're just recovering from Finding Nemo so be back
soon for the full-blow Kikizo review as we go underwater with Pixar's latest
animated comedy.
Transistor Sister
The makers behind favourites such as Toy Story 1 & 2, A Bug's
Life and Monsters Inc. are set to gear up to production soon
of their newest and quite intriguing project about a rodent's life in a top
notch restaurant owned by an eccentric chef. No actors confirmed for
voicing the roles just as yet, but it seems that Pixar has faith in some new
raw talent as they appoint Jan Pinkava as director as well as Emily Cook and
Kathy Greenberg on the screenwriting team in their feature film debut.
Seen the new teaser trailer yet? This gave me a rush of giggles in the same
way Monsters Inc. film did when i first saw it and it's looking
great! Directed and written by Brad Bird, most famous for The Iron
Giant, the premise of the film follows the troubles of a super-hero
dysfunctional family who all try to lead normal lives in the suburbs. You
only have to see the trailer of Mr Incredible trying to squeeze into his
costume and possibly even opting to diet to see how cool it looks. Pixar
fans will have to wait another year and a half to see it in the cinemas
This will be under the careful management of John Lasseter, who's pretty
much of the main man behind the Pixar screen and directed Toy STory
which was the first ground-breaking feature film of such animated CG eye
candy. Formerly dubbed as Route 66, the story follows the
adventures of classic cars that take to the road for a highly fuelled
adventure of the famed driving route. No actors confirmed but watch this
space as we wait for more news.
Staff writer, Kikizo Movies