Star Wars Episode III Named
Official name for the final chapter in the prequel saga and will link episodes I, II and III to the original trilogy.
Revenge of the Sith is widely expected to be much darker than the previous two offerings and will see Anakin's transformation into Darth Vader. Fans will be crossing their fingers that the final chapter will also see a return to form by Lucas as the previous two films have been criticised by some fans and critics.
Mark Hamill, one of the stars of the recent trilogy, has been the most vocal critic in recent times after he accused Lucas of losing his way and deemed the new movies a pale imitation of his original concept.
The videogame was also announced this week.
Piaras Kelly
Star Wars Episode III has just received its title after George Lucas announced that the film will be known as Revenge of the Sith. The movie will be the final chapter in the prequel saga and will link episodes I, II and III to the original trilogy.
Editor, Kikizo Movies