13 Going On 30
Alias' Jennifer Garner is outstanding in this happy-go-lucky imitation of Tom Hanks' classic Big.
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Format | Director | Distributor | Genre | Release |
13 Going On 30 is set up to be the comedy for the kid in all of us; it stars Jennifer Garner as Jenna Rink who wakes up as a thirty year old after a birthday wish comes true. The tagline for the movie is 'For some, 13 feels like yesterday. For Jenna, it was.' So one day Jenna is going through puberty and then when she wakes up she's all grown up, but more importantly she still has the mind of a child. When you are growing up it's hard to figure out what you want to be in life, you think you know what's best but invariably that turns out not to be true. Jenna is living the life she always wanted but it turns out that her idea of a perfect life isn't as brilliant as she thought it would be. 13 Going On 30 is a light hearted attempt that shows us that sometimes we get our priorities all wrong and sometimes we need to look at our lives from a different perspective before it's too late to turn time back.
As you can imagine this is a comedy that plays upon Jenna waking up one day as an adult; just like Tom Hanks in Big, Jennifer Garner adjusts to adult life with some hilarious effects. The contrast between Jenna's child and grown-up character is more marked because not only does her physical appearance change but she is now living the life she always dreamed of. 13 Going On 30 starts out with all the physical comedy of Garner adjusting to her new body which ranges from her new found obsession with her breasts to her complete lack of skill when applying make-up. The film then progresses to Garner trying to cope with all the social intricacies of living life as an adult; not only does she have boys to contend with, but there is also alcohol, work and dancing in a nightclub. In a bid to try and come to grips with her new body and environment, Jenna looks up her childhood best friend (Mark Ruffalo) to fill in all the missed details.
The best thing about this film is the childhood innocence and naivety that accompanies it, the overall feel good factor outshines any of the script's unoriginality or the incredibly soppy ending. 13 Going On 30 is full of charm and constantly seeks to make fun of every situation, you might have seen it all before but that doesn't stop you from breaking a smile during scenes like the Thriller dance routine. It's a well made film that draws some interesting performances, but more importantly it does exactly what it says on the tin and has no lofty aspirations. While it may not be as entertaining as Mean Girls, the film still impresses thanks to some great comedy. I was really surprised by how funny 13 Going On 30 was, all credit is due to Jennifer Garner who takes to making the audience laugh like a fish to water. This is definitely one of those easy-to-watch movies which will turn that frown upside down within minutes.
My main complaint about the film however is its unoriginality, it sticks to a well tested formula and performs well but that still doesn't stop the fact that you could walk in and guess the ending having only watched fifteen minutes of the movie. In its defence I would argue that this is wholly apparent from watching the trailer so it should be obvious what to expect beforehand. This really is one of those films which are a safe bet to go see if an evening's entertainment is all you are after, if you happen to bring a girlfriend in tow then rest assured that this is one movie that she will definitely enjoy. On the other hand when I say that 13 Going On 30 is cheesy, I mean to say it's like cheddar! The soppy ending will have you reaching for a sick bag and it really does take away from what is otherwise an enjoyable movie; while I may have previously congratulated the film for its childlike qualities, in this respect it is quite infantile and immature. Thankfully Jennifer Garner's presence carries it through and the finale doesn't completely rubbish all the good work that has been accomplished in the rest of the movie.
13 Going On 30 marks an important stage in Jennifer Garner's career; its success shows that she can stand on her two feet in the dog-eat-dog world of Hollywood, but more importantly it stands in stark contrast to most of her accomplished work. Tinseltown insiders are now beginning to call her the next Julia Roberts because of her ability to adapt to varied roles and because of that beaming smile of hers. Garner is better known for her action roles; she has been the star of Alias for a couple of years now but has also brought the femme fatale back to the big screen with a bang as the Marvel character Elektra. The actress undergoes a complete facelift while playing Jenna Rink; she does away with all the flying kicks and James Bond technology, replacing it with a new found love for Eighties music and Razzles. Garner proves to be a dab hand at comedy and has the audience in stitches for most of the movie; it may even be a struggle to take her seriously in Alias again. Her facial expressions are a joy to watch and her obvious enthusiasm for the project really comes across. The performance despite its cheesy nature points out that she's no one trick pony and Yazz must have been singing about her career when she released 'The only way is up'.
If you thought that Jennifer Garner was playing a completely different role in this movie then be prepared to pick up your jaw when you realise that Mark Ruffalo is the male lead in 13 Going On 30. To say I was shocked doesn't even begin to describe my surprise! Every time he appeared on screen I couldn't help but be reminded of his performance in In The Cut, he must have taken the Daz doorstep challenge because he's gone straight from a gritty character to a squeaky-clean good guy. While I have heard some other sources criticise Ruffalo for taking the part, I can't help but congratulate him. It's hardly the stand out moment of his career but it really does show the range of his acting ability, if anything Hollywood bigwigs will sit up and take notice because he really is able to play any role. One other talent who also deserves a bit of special praise is Christa B. Allen who plays the young Jenna, 13 Going On 30 marks her first on screen performance in a feature role. She plays the unruly adolescent down a tee providing lots of cringeworthy moments ranging from stuffing tissue into bras and a terrible use of blush. If you're the parent of a little girl then this is a good way to prepare yourself for the hell that is going to be the teenage years!
The film's moral message is innocent and unassuming; you'll come out of the cinema feeling better after watching this and won't have even said any Hail Marys. You need adult guidance when you are growing up to help you plod your way through adolescence, but sometimes a child's innocence is called for to help make sense of your life when you're all grown up. If cheesy films aren't your thing then stay away from this giant piece of cheddar, but you really have to appreciate it for the charming movie that it is. 13 Going On is ideal for an evening's entertainment if you are looking for something to please everyone or makes for a perfect DVD rental to sit back and relax with.
Piaras Kelly T H E S C O R E S 6.0 7.5 7.0 7.5 7.0
The Final Word:
Overall 13 Going On 30 is a happy-go-lucky film offering plenty of laughs with a tried and tested formula; it's Mean Girls lite with an infectious performance from Jennifer Garner. Some people recall childhood as the best years of their lives; 13 Going On 30 offers an quaint look back at better days, providing plenty of laughs in the process.
Editor, Kikizo Movies