Alien VS Predator
The monsters finally come out to play, but is it all just a big predictable let down?
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Format | Director | Distributor | Genre | Release |
It's been a long time coming but Alien versus Predator has finally surfaced. The project has been talked about for many years but now film fans can rejoice as two of the best sci-fi franchises have combined to create an all out action blockbuster. We've seen Freddy vs Jason but now it's time for the ruthless Predator to take on the vicious Alien species with a handful of humans thrown in for good measure. It's like walking into rap concert in a Ku Klux Klan uniform - no good is going to come of it. So while the two deadly species try to tear each other apart, the poor old humans just get picked off and it's just like shooting fish in a barrel.

Like the tagline says 'Whoever wins, we lose' and believe me after two hours of non stop mayhem it certainly rings true. The story begins when a routine satellite scan reveals a thermal image of an underground temple in the Artic; Charles Bishop Weyland quickly gathers a team of scientists to explore the ruins. Unbeknown to them, Weyland has stumbled across an ancient ritual which sees a group of Predators go through their initiation by hunting down the Alien species. The scientists start a sequence of events which not only will see some of the group lose their lives, but it also threatens the very existence of the Earth.
Hollywood has stumbled across a formula to reinvigorate stumbling franchises by offering cinema-goers a dream ticket to see their favourite characters go head to head. The Predator hasn't been seen on the big screen for quite a while and while the Alien series has fared slightly better, its recent offerings were disappointing to say the least. Scripts for this project have been flying around the Internet for some time now and some fans got a sense of things to come after seeing Sandy Collora's Batman: Dead End. The short promotional work saw the caped crusader take on an Alien and a Predator before being left on a cliffhanger - it was exhilarating to say the least!
Alien versus Predator picks up from this and gives fans the opportunity to see who is the deadlier of the two monsters. AvP plays of like a vicious game of cat and mouse and action fans can rejoice because it's a special effects bonanza which doesn't disappoint. The director, Paul W.S. Anderson, successfully weaves the dark environment that the Alien species thrives in with an ancient temple which affords the Predators the opportunity to stalk their prey. It's the best of both worlds and despite some script weaknesses you can't help but shake at the knees as the poor old humans are annihilated. I don't know what it is about the Alien franchise that gets my heart pumping but I've never been able to sit through one of the series movies and not have my heart jump into my mouth.
Unfortunately not everything is sunshine and lollipops in AvP and the movie is held back from being a classic for a number of reasons. In my opinion Hollywood has had a bit too much influence on the film from my liking and it suffers a result. First off Anderson is a poor choice as the director; you only have to look at his history to realise that there could be problems. Resident Evil fans are probably still shaking their fists after the abomination that was the big screen adaptation of one of the world's most successful video games. While the director pays homage to each series throughout Alien versus Predator, he doesn't give the viewer time to dwell on any of it and rushes about like a headless chicken.
For example look at the inclusion of Charles Bishop Weyland, he gives the film a link to the future by bringing in the corporation and providing a familiar face. However the character proves to be completely ambiguous and you're not sure if he's a good or bad guy. His role just seems kind of pointless and there are plenty of other characters that just seem to be thrown in as cannon fodder. Sure people are meant to be getting slaughtered, but you can't help but feel slightly disconnected from it all because it's hard to build any emotional attachment to someone who has uttered one line. This cluttered field of random actors detracts from the main players because just as the movie is picking up the finale springs up from nowhere. Far too much time is spent idling about and at the end of AvP you can't help but think 'Is that it?' All I can say is there better be a sequel because I definitely feel like dessert and Alien versus Predator 2 would prove to be quite a treat.
In the greater scheme of things I'd rank Alien versus Predator alongside Predator 2, it's an enjoyable movie but it's missing a certain je ne sais quoi. Well I do know really, poor old Sanaa Lathan is no Sigourney Weaver or Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a result AvP lacks that star poor dynamic that can pull a mediocre script up by its bootstraps and give it that Hollywood shine. In some ways you can't fault Lathan because her character, Alexa Woods, isn't given the time to develop fully and while the viewer respects her, he doesn't admire her.
Alien versus Predator only seems to scratch the surface and just doesn't get the chance to take off, at least we've got the two bloodthirsty species keep us entertained. The monsters are the true star of the show and while the human cast may flounder about, the special effects department has ensured that the action is relentless. I've been a bit critical of CGI recently but even I was taken aback at the sight of an Alien Queen running about on screen, it looked pure class and put any T-Rex to shame. So while you might not care for any of the actors you can at least take some joy from the fact that they're pretty much all butchered by Aliens and Predators alike.
It's an all out action romp laden with special effects, unfortunately the script holds it back and it ends rather abruptly. While AvP is a highly enjoyable film, it is just a little lacking in star power and a big name like The Rock would have easily carried the movie. At least two movie icons have finally returned to our screens and this offering should see further sequels in each series. Hopefully the producers will take stock of the viewer complaints and come back with Alien versus Predator 2 because this initial offering really whets the appetite. At times it's like a dream come true, who doesn't want to see which species comes out on top? However all the good work comes crashing down as you feel that the rug has been pulled up from under your feet which such an abrupt finish.
Piaras Kelly T H E S C O R E S 6.2 4.8 8.6 8.4 7.0
The Final Word:
Sci-fi fans are in for a treat with Alien versus Predator but only the true fanboys will really enjoy it. You can't really go wrong with a movie featuring the Alien or Predator species so AvP is worth a trip to the cinema. Alien versus Predator is like a fine wine that has been opened a little too early, it still tastes good but it should have been a classic.
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Editor, Kikizo Movies
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